For my first post of the month, here's a site with beautiful papercrafts about a game called "Crazyracing Kartrider" from Korea. A game that is very similar to Mario Kart. Available on the site are characters, racing tracks, racing karts and more! To download files, just click the links with PDF or GIF.
BOTPA Papercrafts!
Posted by Michael James | Thursday, November 30, 2006 | animals, buildings, games, papercraft, vehicles | 2 comments »STAR TREK paper crafts
Posted by Michael James | Thursday, November 23, 2006 | papercraft, science fiction, space ships, Star Trek | 0 comments » I found a site that offers a couple of good looking spaceship papercrafts from STAR TREK. Models include 5 ships together with the ENTERPRISE. What are you waiting for? Get the models now!!!
ZOSHO'S Download page
Giant Robo
Posted by Michael James | Tuesday, November 21, 2006 | anime, papercraft, robots | 1 comments » Here's another robot model. This time from the GIANT ROBO anime.
Cruise Ship and Tanker Papercraft
Posted by Michael James | Thursday, November 09, 2006 | papercraft, ships | 2 comments » To all the ship lovers out there, nyk is offerering five different ships. The site offers two cruise ships, a cargo, a tanker and another ship(don't know what it's called).
Cruise Ship and Tanker Papercraft
Vintage Appliances
Posted by Michael James | Thursday, November 09, 2006 | others, papercraft | 0 comments » Here are five paper models of vintage appliances from Panasonic. You can make a small replica of a 1959' rice cooker, a 1931' radio, a 1952' TV Set, a refrigerator from 1954 and a washing machine.
Posted by Michael James | Wednesday, November 08, 2006 | movie, papercraft, robots | 0 comments »Check out these robot models from the movie of the same title. Fox Japan released five good looking models.
Disney Papercrafts
Posted by Michael James | Sunday, November 05, 2006 | buildings, cartoons, others, papercraft, ships, space ships | 0 comments » Here's one of my favorite sites. You can get a lot of Disney themed downloads like the Sleeping Beauty Castle, The Tower of Terror, The Nautilus Submarine, Jack Sparrow's Compass, Wicked Wrench Ship and more!
Disney Experience
SD Gundam
Posted by Michael James | Saturday, November 04, 2006 | anime, gundam, papercraft, robots | 0 comments »Front Mission 5
Posted by Michael James | Saturday, November 04, 2006 | games, papercraft, robots | 0 comments »Here's another great robot model this time from FM5. It's about the same size as the FM4 models. It comes as an lzh file so just in case you don't know how to open it, go get the alzip utility from the link in the right. It's a great free compression/uncompression utility that does every format I can think of and you will definitely need it for the .alz files
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Front Mission 4 Paper models
Posted by Michael James | Friday, November 03, 2006 | games, papercraft, robots | 1 comments »I've been doing papercrafts for 3 months now and I can easily say that is has replaced collecting Gundams and action figures as my new hobby. I decided to create this blog to post only the best papercrafts in the web that I can find. I'd be posting mostly robots and anime models but also others that are worthy to be posted.
Things that you'll need are:
scissors, X-acto knife or a sharp cutter, cutting mat, ruler, metal rod(for curling), glue and paper/card stock(I use 185 gsm stock for most of my models) and a printer