Monday, December 10

Pumafridge Papertoys

The TOYs you have in your screen right now belong to the 1st Custom FRIDGETOYS Collection by PUMA. A bunch of visual artists, designers and photographers let their creativity loose, and we distilled an exquisite result, filled with our friend’s madness. Download them, print them, build them and let them conquer the world. Before our next Fridge we will be picking 5 winners (by Country) that will receive prizes and the privilege to appear in the FRIDGETOYS 2nd Collection with their artworks, so the world can download and collect them. Show yourself and let everyone see your creation! Find them in softdrink-cans in the closest Fridge or in

Los TOYs que tienes en tu pantalla pertenecen a la 1era colección de Custom FRIDGETOYS by PUMA. Un manojo de artistas visuales, diseñadores y fotógrafos dieron rienda suelta a su creatividad y destilamos un resultado exquisito, plasmado con la locura de nuestros amigos. Descárgalos, imprímelos, ármalos y déjalos que conquisten el mundo. Antes del próximo Fridge vamos a elegir a 5 ganadores (por país) que van a ganar premios sorpresa y el privilegio de aparecer en la segunda colección de FRIDGETOYS con sus obras de arte, para que el mundo los descargue y coleccione. Asómate a la superficie y deja ver tu creación! Encuéntralos en las latas de bebida en el Fridge más cercano o en

Here's the instruction for those who don't speak Spanish:

Select a country then click saltar intro(skip intro) and then click the flying envelope. A pop-up will appear and then click the red link to register. Put your first name, surname, email then clave(password)-think of any word you like. Log-in and download the papertoys.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent find. I'm not really sure why I like these, but they're really hip.


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